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Church News

You can also find our monthly Church News email online here for more details about what's going on at King's.


Sunday 4th August, King's Church

Baptism signifies the end of our old life and being born again into new life with Christ. It is a public declaration of faith and commitment to Jesus. If you would like to find out more about getting baptised, fill in this form and one of our leaders will get in touch with you.

Church Picnic in the Park

Sunday 4th August, Hampden Park

On Sunday 4th August we’ll be having an all-age meeting for an hour at King's with worship and baptisms, before heading to Hampden Park to have a picnic lunch together. So bring some food with extra to share. Hampden Park is roughly 20 minutes walk from King's and there is a cafe, public toilets and parking available.

The Bereavement Journey

Begins Tuesday 10th September, 2.30pm, King's Centre

Bereavement can impact hugely and affect all areas of life. Developed at Holy Trinity Brompton and appreciated by thousands of people over 20 years, The Bereavement Journey is for anyone who has been bereaved at any time and in any way.

Through a series of videos over 7 weeks and discussion groups it gently guides bereaved people through the most common aspects of grief, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps. The Bereavement Journey is suitable for people of any faith or none, with the final session on faith questions in bereavement provided from a Christian perspective. Sign up here. For more information visit out Bereavement Journey page.


From Wednesday 25th September, 7:30pm, King's Centre

The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith. It’s relaxed, low key, friendly and fun.

Our Alpha course is a series of nine evenings. At the beginning of each evening a free meal is served, giving you a chance to get to know others, relax and enjoy yourself.

Then there’s a talk, addressing key issues like ‘Who is Jesus?’ ‘What happens when we die?’ and ‘What about suffering?’

And then there’s an opportunity to discuss what you’ve heard, share your views, and ask anything you like. Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too hostile.

If you would like to find out more, visit our Alpha page or you can sign up here.

Gift Day 2024

We're counting down to the 40th birthday of King’s, which marks a whole generation of life that has taken place in and around us. Through our 2024 Gift Day we continue our plans to make the King’s Centre fit for purpose for the next generation — to make it our home for the next 40 years.

To find out more about our 2024 Gift Day and the heart and vision behind it, download our Gift Day booklet (PDF).

Church on the Harbour

Every Sunday, 10am, Sovereign Harbour Community Centre

In 2023 we felt stirred by God to go in service and mission and establish a new church in Sovereign Harbour. A team has been forming around Carl and Chrissie Slezacek and Grace Community Church was launched on 21st January. We are so excited for what God has in store. Come and join us at Sovereign Harbour Community Centre where the church meets at 10am every Sunday.

Sunday Morning Prayer Meetings

Every Sunday, 9am, in the Sussex at King's

Our Sunday morning prayer meetings which take place every Sunday, 9am at the King's Centre. So come a little early, bring your families or a friend, and let's pray together before the meeting begins. We want prayer to be at the very centre of who we are as a church, and a place where we meet and encounter God.